Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Blooms Are Here

 "The winter has past; the rain is over and gone.

The flowers appear on the earth;

the time of singing has come,

and the voice of the turtledove is heard

in our land."

Song of Solomon 2:12

I'm enjoying all the beauty of spring around me.

I hope you are inspired by God's handiwork too!

I just found this massive Wisteria on my street!!

Breathtaking blooms!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Pepperoni Rolls

 We have been making a LOT of pepperoni rolls!

My grandkids love working with the dough and fillings.  It's fun for them to eat something they actually made.  On a cold rainy day, this is the perfect activity!

I start with basic pizza dough.  You can buy fresh dough (at Aldi for $2) or you can make it like I do.

I start with 2 cups of flour, 1 tsp salt in my small food processor. I mix 2 tsp yeast, 1 tsp sugar and 1/2 C warm water to bloom the yeast.  

Then I pour that into the processor while running.  I stream enough cool water to make the dough come together.  

I let it rise in an oiled covered bowl for 30 minutes.

Then the fun begins!

I cut the dough into small chunks and let the kids flatten each piece out.  They like this part a lot!

I lay chopped pepperoni and grated cheese (either cheddar or mozzarella) in front of them and let them add the fillings, then roll the dough into small logs.

I put them on an oiled baking sheet, then into a 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes, or until the dough is golden brown.

Lunch is served!

And grandkids are happy!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Roasted Vegetables

 We try to eat lots of veggies!  

My favorite way to prepare them is to roast them in the oven.  It brings out the sweetness in the veggies and retains nutrients!

Here's what I do:

I start with a sheet pan that has edges.

Then I cut up vegetables that I like, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers, onions, green beans, cabbage...

I layer them in my pans and add a coating of canola oil and a little olive oil.  I mix it well with my hands.  You don't want too much oil, but a good coating.

I sprinkle a generous amount of coarse sea salt over them, and fresh ground black pepper.

Then I put them into a hot 400 degree oven on convection.  If you don't have a convection oven, crank the heat up to 425.

After 10-12 minutes, I stir the veggies around so that the ones on top don't get extra browned.

It usually takes about 20 minutes for my oven to do its job.  I test a carrot to make sure they aren't still crunchy, but can be cut with a butter knife.

These are a hit any time we serve dinner guests.  And I bring them to pot luck meals often!  I'm asked for the recipe every time.  Enjoy!!

The Blooms Are Here

  "The winter has past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the ...