Friday, March 21, 2025

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

 This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experiences of our lives on this broken planet into his heart cries.  He fully embraces reality while trusting in Jesus.  I pray that it helps you today.

 It's titled "Call me Back to You."  

I trust in you, Lord, but keep helping me in my many moments of distrust and doubt. They are there and will be every time I turn my eyes, ears, or hands away from you. Please, Lord, keep calling me back to you, by day and by night, in joy and in sadness, during moments of success and moments of failure. Never let me leave you. I know you walk with me. Help me walk with you today, tomorrow and always.

“Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.”
- Joel 2: 12

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

 Recently I saw that dishwasher detergent was

getting more and more expensive.

I've been making my own laundry detergent for 15 years.

So I started researching how to make my own dishwasher detergent.  I found a good recipe and I've been using it for a couple of months.  I absolutely love it.  The first time I used it my cutlery came out gleaming!!

Here's what I use:

In a large bowl I mix:

2 cups baking soda

1 cup borax

1 / 2 cup super washing soda

1 / 4 cup table salt

1 / 4 cup citric acid

All of these items are available at a grocery store, except citric acid.  I bought mine on Amazon.  Interestingly, unsweetened lemon kool-aid mix is citric acid and can be used!

I store my DW detergent in a rubbermaid half-gallon container.  I add a silica packet to keep it from clumping.

Let me know how you like this, I'm hooked!!

Monday, January 20, 2025

Tucson, Arizona in January 2025

 I recently spent a week in Tucson, Arizona with my son and his family.  It was surreal for me to leave sub-freezing temperatures and snow, and arrive in a sort of Shangri La where the weather was beautiful, sunny, and welcoming.  It makes me look forward to Heaven where all will be perfect and amazing, including the weather!!

Here are some of the beautiful plants and trees that abound!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Favorite 2024 Blooms

 I'm thinking about my favorites from this year's blooms. 

I wanted to post them all here so I can look at them during the cold dreary winter days ahead. 

I see God's handiwork in these delicate flowers.

It makes me long for the gardens in Heaven where the colors and shapes will take my breath away.

I read about someone who had a vision of Heaven and the flowers and grass were singing!  Can you imagine that??

I hope these beautiful creations inspire you with hope!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Blooms Are Here

 "The winter has past; the rain is over and gone.

The flowers appear on the earth;

the time of singing has come,

and the voice of the turtledove is heard

in our land."

Song of Solomon 2:12

I'm enjoying all the beauty of spring around me.

I hope you are inspired by God's handiwork too!

I just found this massive Wisteria on my street!!

Breathtaking blooms!

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

  This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experienc...