Friday, July 31, 2015

A Surprise Guest

At the end of June I noticed lots of dead leaves and strands of grass on my front porch.  I had no idea why the sudden appearance of so much debris was there.

I moved closer to my climbing rose trellis...

And what did I find??  A robin's nest.  This photo was taken on July 3.  It took the mother 3 days to lay 3 eggs.

On July 17 the first one hatched.  He is so feeble and frail, utterly dependent on his mother for survival.

Just 9 days later, July 26, here's that bird!  I think the momma is doing a great job feeding him.

This makes me think about when Jesus told us to "look at the birds" and how they are taken care of by our Heavenly Father in Matthew 6.  I'm very much like this baby bird.  Although I like to think that I'm independent and totally in control of my life, the fact is, I'm desperately in need of God to take care of me.  He keeps my heart beating and my body functioning in so many ways I can't even fathom.  It's very humbling to realize just how vulnerable and frail I am.  It makes me more thankful for all the little things in life.  

I hope this does your soul good as it has mine!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Some Desert Beauty

I just visited my son and his lovely wife in Tucson, Arizona.  I was struck by the majestic beauty of the desert with the Santa Catalina Mountains in the background.  Here are some shots:

Lovely Red Flowers

Tree Canopy on Univ. of Arizona Campus

Majestic Palms

Look at those mountains!!

Nice Succulents

More Mountains!!

Lovely Pink Flowers

Pride of Barbados


Beautiful Yellow Flowers

Crown of Thorns

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Cheesecake Stuffed Peaches

Now that peach season is upon us, I couldn't wait to try this recipe I stumbled upon.  It was a hit with some friends of mine.  It's not too complicated either!

Start with fresh peaches, halved and pitted.  I cut a little more out of the centers to hold more cheesecake:)  If they don't lie flat, trim a small slice from the bottoms.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, dip the peaces in some melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.

Make a simple cheesecake batter with:
1/2 pkg. cream cheese, 1/4 cup sugar, 1 egg yolk, 1 tbs. sour cream, 1-2 tsp. vanilla. Mix all ingredients until fluffy.  I used a small scoop to fill the centers.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes until the tops are lightly browned and the peaches are softened.  Serve warm or at room temperature.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Brighten the Corner

I think it's always a good idea to make the best of whatever situation you find yourself in.  I've applied this idea to every "corner" of our home, one space at a time.

No matter how humble your home may be, why not try to make it nice?  You live there so it should be a place that gives you some measure of satisfaction.  Here's an example of how I worked through one area.

I have a small patio with 2 Adirondack chairs where I spend a lot of time reading and enjoying nice weather.  The space has a basement window that is unsightly.

You can't see too well from this photo, but the view through the window is boxes and our Christmas storage items - not pretty!

I found a lovely embroidered linen runner at a yard sale and sewed it into a curtain to hang on this window.

Then I decided to use the grillwork from our old screen door to spruce it up a little more.  Now I get to view this beautiful needlework every time I'm outside.  

Here's another example from my backyard:  There was a bare hill just off our back patio that was annoying to mow and had no aesthetic value whatsoever.  This photo is the back of our house before we added a patio and roof.

Here's the end result with landscaping covering that slope:

I decided to extend the landscaping bed and kill two birds with one stone.  Now I don't have to mow this hill and it's pretty on the eyes!

It takes just a little ingenuity to "brighten a corner" in your home.  Why don't you try to take one trouble spot and beautify it?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Become a "Chopped" Champion!

Have you ever watched the cooking competition called "Chopped?"  Chefs must use all ingredients in a mystery basket to create a gourmet meal.  It's impressive to see how some of these talented chefs find ways to incorporate fruity cereal and licorice into an entree, or a bitter herb into a dessert.

In my never-ending quest to not waste food and use everything in my refrigerator, I've realized that I challenge myself regularly with my own version of "Chopped."  If you don't want to throw your money into the garbage, learn to cook with what you have on hand before you buy new groceries!

Here's an example of my daily routine.  We had lots of raw vegetables and a few hunks of cheese leftover from a big dinner we hosted. Then my son and daughter-in-law brought over some chicken tenders they wanted to cook.

If these were my "Mystery Basket Ingredients" I would make this Southwestern Chicken Casserole.

I sauteed a panful of the vegetables, starting with some onion, scallions and garlic, then adding chopped zucchini, red and yellow peppers, carrots, cauliflower, red cabbage, and an ear of fresh corn cut off the cobb.  It was great to clear out the vegetable drawer in the fridge!  Once everything was in the pan I let them cook for about 10 minutes, just enough to take the raw edge off, but not enough to make them mushy.

I found a can of refried beans in my cupboard and spread them on the bottom of a 9 x 13 glass pan.  Then I put all those sauteed vegetables on top.

I cut the chicken tenders into 1-2 inch chunks and browned them lightly in an oiled pan for 3 minutes on each side.  They weren't completely cooked through because they would finish in the oven.  They went on top of the veggies.

I opened a jar of black bean and corn salsa and poured it over everything, covered it with foil and put it into  a 350 degree oven for about 30-40 minutes.  You could take off the foil and grate some cheese on the top for the last 10 minutes.

We ate this with some taco chips.  It was fantastic!

Become your own Chopped Champion and create with what's  in the fridge!

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

  This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experienc...