Saturday, August 27, 2016

Favorite Cleaning Hacks - My Dishwasher

My most favorite appliance is my dishwasher.  I was 28 years old before I owned one and I've been using it for everything imaginable ever since.  But did you know your dishwasher can help clean all kinds of household items that are NOT in the kitchen??

Instead of spending time scrubbing small plastic trash cans, storage bins, baskets, even my plastic dustpan and brush...I put them in the dishwasher!

The dishwasher gets all the grease and build-up off of hairbrushes and combs (after you pull out all the hair, of course!).

I ran my ceramic barbecue grill plates through the dishwasher to remove a lot of the grimy greasy layers.  It didn't remove everything, but it softened the grit so that I could easily scrub them clean.

I put my lint catcher from the dryer in the dishwasher once a year to make sure that the waxy build-up isn't preventing air flow through the mesh.

Any small ceramics, pottery items, toothbrush holders and small vases you have for decoration or holding small items in your bathrooms or bedrooms come sparkling clean out of the dishwasher.

**Make sure you DON'T USE THE HEATED DRY OPTION because the hot coils in the bottom of the dishwasher will melt plastic.  

Let me know your favorite cleaning hack:)

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

  This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experienc...