Saturday, October 29, 2016

Fall Yard Work

Fall is a great time to do some yard work in preparation for next spring.  If you have some time, you might want to do some of these things!

1. Plant Grass - Fall is the perfect time to spread seed, cover it with straw and let it sit until next spring.  You'll have new grass without the fuss of watering in the heat of summer.

2. Put down mulch - If you have some areas where your mulch is thin, or you need to cover some problem spots, now's the time!  To kill grass or weeds just lay 10 sheets (more or less) of damp newspaper over them, and cover with some dirt and mulch.  Next spring you'll have a great landscaping bed.

3. Weeding - Fall is a great time to pull any noxious weeds that sneaked into your landscaping during the summer.  You don't want to let those seeds spread or the roots grow stronger over the winter. Yikes! Is that a thistle in MY yard??

4. Trimming Vines - I just trimmed my honeysuckle vine that grows on some picket fence to hide our AC units.  They were a little out of control.  Not anymore!

5. Plant Bulbs - This is the time to plant tulips, daffodils, crocuses, and other spring bloomers.  You'll be so glad you took the time next spring!

6. Don't forget to disconnect your water hoses and pull out vegetable plants from the garden.  If I have time I just might wipe down my patio chairs before I put them in the garage for the winter!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Drying Herbs

We love to grow fresh herbs in our garden every year.  I have many that are perennials: sage, thyme, oregano, mint and parsley.  We grow other annual herbs like basil, lemon verbena, rosemary, and cilantro.

A great way to keep that flavor going through the winter is by drying the herbs and keeping them in jars.  It's easier than you think!

Pick bunches of green stems, rinse them well,pat dry, then lay them on a baking sheet.  Place the sheet somewhere that air will not be stagnant.  So, don't put them inside a cupboard.  Some good spots are above the fridge or on an open shelf.

Basil and Oregano

Lemon Verbena

Now let them sit for a few weeks until all the leaves are crumbly.  Hold the stems from the top and push all the leaves off in one swoop.  Store them in a jar!

I use my mint and lemon verbena all winter long for herbal tea.

We use our dried basil and oregano mixture on pizzas and other Italian dishes.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Summer Blooms 2016 - a photo journal

Here's what was in my yard!  Now that everything is getting ready to go to sleep, I like to reminisce about all the beauty that God created this summer in my yard.







First Hydrangea Blossom




Red Hot Pokers



Tucson, Arizona in January 2025

  I recently spent a week in Tucson, Arizona with my son and his family.  It was surreal for me to leave sub-freezing temperatures and snow,...