Friday, March 3, 2017

Winter's Almost Over!

We've made it through the dreary, dark, cold months of January and February.  So my thoughts are now turning to Spring!  My friend, Heather, gave me a beautiful Hyacinth that I will plant outside soon.  And I bought 2 packs of seeds the other day, Italian Parsley and Cilantro.  I'll be sprinkling them in the garden some warm day this month.  Things are looking up:)

I love when the days start to get noticeably longer.  It just makes me feel like doing something outside.  I will start with simply wiping off the railing on my back porch, so I can stand there and look at the sky without getting black winter dirt on my hands!

For me, the transition from Winter to Spring is more symbolic than any other season.  I can't help but think about growing plants, colorful flowers, renewed life, second chances, talking to my neighbors, fresh air...

Even though Winter isn't over yet, give yourself a shot in the arm. Wipe off one railing, buy some seeds, or just go outside and breathe some fresh air.  Winter's almost over!

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

  This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experienc...