Friday, April 14, 2017

Signs of Spring 2017

Here are the first signs of spring growing in my yard!!

Sweet Woodruff, my faithful groundcover


Sand Cherry Bush


Grape Hyacinth

Snow Crocus



Dappled Willow

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Spring Cleaning Tips

Now that we can finally (maybe) open the windows and let in fresh air, my mind is turning to cleaning.

Why do I feel overwhelmed?  Well, anyone who lives in a house knows that there's a LOT of maintenance to keep things nice and clean. are a few tips I do regularly to help 
lighten your load!

1. Narrow your focus - Do only 1 thing at a time.  Clean just one surface, clear out one cupboard, vacuum one room, wipe one get it.  I pat myself on the back if I do one load of laundry after a full day's work!  Don't stress out, just do ONE thing.  

Do not worry about tomorrow...each day has enough trouble of its own.  - Jesus

2. Clear away clutter - A clean surface is easy to keep clean.  Clutter makes cleaning difficult, so get rid of anything that you don't need.  I go through every drawer, closet, and shelf as often as I think of it and remove unwanted stuff.  Somehow it just keeps accumulating, it's strange. I don't want to ever have closets and rooms filled with junk, so I am always on the lookout for clutter.  Bring clothes you don't wear anymore and other items to a charity.  You'll be able to clean so much easier with less stuff.

3. Use simple cleaning products - You don't need an arsenal of cleaners.  I always use what I already have before I buy more.  I use a pile of "old t-shirt" rags instead of paper towels.  Here are my go-to cleaners: Windex, white vinegar, ammonia, Blue Dawn.  I can go a long way with just these few.  

Windex is good for all glass surfaces, ceramic and formica counters.  I mop my hardwood floors with a mild solution of hot water and white vinegar.  Run vinegar through your coffee pot and then with water a few times to remove residue.  I use a solution of hot water and ammonia to mop ceramic tiles, composite decking outside, concrete floors and wipe window sills.  

And what can't Blue Dawn do?  That might be easier to list.  I use a spray bottle with 3/4 vinegar and 1/4 Blue Dawn to clean tubs and showers.  Blue Dawn keeps my stainless sink shining and removes greasy laundry stains and shirt-collar-grime.  Just google "Uses for Blue Dawn" and you'll be amazed.

I hope this gives you a few ideas to get started with Spring Cleaning.  I'd love to hear your best tips!!

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

  This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experienc...