Sunday, January 28, 2018

Feeling Bogged Down? It's Time to Lighten Up!

This is a great time of year to lighten your load.
Do you have extra time with these long winter nights?
Storage bins and organizers are on sale everywhere.
Why not go through closets and drawers and clean out?

Here are some tips:

Easy to get rid of items 

- books you will never read again
-gifts you've never used
-kitchen gadgets covered with dust
-dated furniture and pillows
-old sweaters/jeans that you don't wear
-old sporting equipment
-extra blankets, sheets, bedspreads
-office/craft supplies you don't use
Donate these to a good charity.

Animal shelters take old sheets and blankets!

Harder to get rid of items

-sentimental family items
-old photo albums
-"Grandma's" dishes, doilies, etc.
You don't have to keep everything!  Try to pare down the volume of these items and keep ONLY the really special ones.
Also, some items can be re-purposed into something

you will use and truly enjoy having.

**It doesn't honor your loved-ones to pile boxes in your garage or attic.  I have some very special items from my mother that I use and treasure.  I re-purposed her hand-crocheted lace tablecloth into curtains for
my living room.

  I have a few pieces of her jewelry that I wear often.  And I have several small  "memory" boxes to hold mementos from my childhood and my sons' early years.  

The items I chose to keep easily fit on one closet shelf and don't bog me down.  It takes some time to make decisions about what to keep, but it's time well-spent.

If you take the time to lighten your load and give to a good charity, you won't regret it:)

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Blooming Rosemary??

 Happy New Year 2018!!
May this year be marked by blessing and
God's favor for all of you!

I wrote a post last fall about bringing tender herbs inside for the winter.  In previous years I have wintered-0ver my lemon verbena, rosemary and mint.
Here's the link to the post:  Bring Your Herbs Inside

This year I only transplanted my rosemary plants because we love to use sprigs to infuse butter for steaks.

Well...imagine my surprise last week when I went to water the plants and saw this:

Beautiful pale violet flowers on my Rosemary in January!!
Who knew that this plant bloomed?  I certainly didn't.

I suppose this is a good way to start the new year.
I need to be prepared to learn lots of new things and look for unexpected gifts all around me.  I'm starting this year with thankfulness for my family, my friends, and so much more!

What gifts are around you already this year?

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

  This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experienc...