Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Welcome Spring!

I love this time of year!
I love the flowers poking up through the ground.
I love the green color popping up all over.
I love the smell of freshness in the air.
I love the promise of life coming back from
a long, winter's sleep.
I love dreaming of all the things I want to do outside!

Here are some photos from my yard
and some great quotes to Welcome Spring!

Hans Christian Andersen
"Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."

Gerard De Nerval
"Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature."

Theodore Roethke
"Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light."

Luther Burbank
Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul."

Marcus Tullius Cicero
"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need."

Thursday, March 1, 2018

5 Favorite Home Hacks

Life is difficult.  Time is precious.  We are all busy.  Here are my Favorite Cleaning and Organizational Hacks that make my life easier.  Please let me know yours!

1. Keep cleaning products where you need them the most!  I keep everything I need to clean the bathroom right under the sink.  No walking around the house to find supplies!

2.  My dishwasher is my absolute favorite appliance.  I was 28 before I had one, so I feel like I'm still making up for lost time!  I put everything that can possibly be cleaned into it.  My dishwasher helps me clean plastics, kitchen racks, combs and hairbrushes, you name it!

3. Shelves!!  What can I say about shelves and cubbies except that I LOVE them.  They make it possible to get everything off the floor and in its proper place.  I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I pass the home organization shelving aisle in any store.  They make my life easier:)

4. Command Hooks.  I put small command hooks on the sides of my garbage can so that I can hook my bag to them.  The bag doesn't fall into the can anymore!  I use command hooks to organize my jewelry on my closet wall.  It's so nice to clearly see the items that I wear the most instead of digging through a drawer.

5. Lestoil.  If you ever have a grease stain on clothes, this product is the best greasy spot remover I've found.  Because we cook a lot, we get grease stains on clothes regularly.  Lestoil has saved some of our favorite clothes!  It's petroleum-based, so it has a strong smell.  But it works like a charm.  I apply with a toothbrush, let it sit for a minute, then launder as usual.  That takes care of most spots.  If necessary I repeat, or let it soak overnight in water with Lestoil.  

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

  This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experienc...