Saturday, July 21, 2018

Simplify and Declutter

I've seen many posts and ads recently for steps to simplify and declutter.  It's a way of life for me, so reading these ads started me thinking about my own steps to simplify and declutter my house (and life).  Here's my tip list:

1. "Stuff" and "Stress" both start with the same letters.  That teaches a lesson - too much stuff produces stress.  Fact: every item you own has 2 price tags.  One is how much you paid originally, and the other is how much is costs for maintenance.  Cars are perfect examples.  We pay a lot to buy vehicles.  But we all know that it costs us dearly to keep them running well.  We need to view every item in our houses with the same '2-price-tag' way.  

Do you know the terrible feeling you get when you open a kitchen cupboard to get a plate and random things fall out onto the counter??  That takes a toll on you!  Why should your cupboards make you stressed?  The good news is that you can do something about it.

Start with one closet, one cupboard, one drawer, and be ruthless.  Take everything out and make tough decisions to keep ONLY the items you really use and need.  Donate the rest or throw it away.  Then put your good stuff away neatly.

*Tip:  Use wire-wrapped shelves, baskets, and hooks to maximize storage space!

2. Clothes!  Almost everyone I know has too many clothes.  Their closets and drawers are stuffed full of items that don't fit or are outdated.  It's stressful to get dressed in the morning and have to sift through too many clothes!

There are many ways to pare down.  One tip is to turn every hanger in your closet backwards.  Then as you wear an item you can turn the hanger forwards.  After one season, get rid of every backwards-hanger clothing item!

My way is to be HONEST with myself and just donate any clothes that I haven't worn in a long time.  It's ok to keep some rarely worn clothes for special occasions.  But if your closet is so stuffed that you can't see what you own, it's time to simplify and donate!

3. Clear off counter tops.  It's frustrating to not have space to work in your kitchen, bathroom, or dining room.  If you have stuff covering all available surfaces, it's stressful to try to find space to cook or work.  

Why not make it a habit to keep all surfaces as clear as possible?  Then when you need space to work, it's ready to go!  Why do magazine homes always look so appealing?  Because they have NO CLUTTER anywhere in sight.  You can improve the look of your home easily by clearing all counters and tables, putting everything away.

That creates a challenge - where to put everything??  Use drawers, baskets, trays, and shelves to organize your stuff.  Remember my mantra:  Be honest and be ruthless!  If you really use it, keep it and put it somewhere convenient.  If you don't use or need that item, get rid of it!

I hope I've given you a few helpful hints about simplifying and decluttering.  Let me know how you keep your home and life simple!!

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

  This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experienc...