Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Tidy Up!

It's January and all the holiday hype has turned into
weight loss and organization hype!  So here is my
contribution to Tidying Up!

Image result for tidy up

To inspire you, here's a Youtube link to an adorable song called "Tidy Up" by Little Baby Bum that I love to 
sing with my grandson!

Cudos to Marie Condo for her new show about "Tidying Up" that many of my friends are watching.  I love when anyone helps people to simplify and declutter their homes and lives.
I'm impressed at how many people I know who have unloaded numerous garbage bags filled with clothes and clutter after watching a few episodes!

Here's a link to an interesting post from Nesting Place called
"5 Things People With Tidy Homes Don't Do" 
It's a quick read.  I was curious to see how many of their points I agreed with.  4 out of 5 isn't bad!  Let me know how many you agree with.  I was on board with all the suggestions (not leaving messes around, nothing on floors, no over-decoration). But I would never sign up for a monthly 
cleaning product delivery service!

Here are some links to my former posts about
because I haven't changed my style of tidying up.  
I still believe in tackling small areas first, getting rid of
unneeded stuff, simplifying every room...and-

I love baskets...

I love any kind of shelving...

I love cubbies...

and anything that corrals items that could become chaotic.

These are practical ways that I keep things off the floor and within easy reach.  It's important to be able to SEE what you have, whether it's clothes or games or crafts!

Finally, you shouldn't have more clothes than can fit inside your dresser and closet!
And you shouldn't have more stuff than you can organize on shelves and in cupboards!  
Too much stuff will weigh you down emotionally and physically!
So, get to it...Tidy Up!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Happy New Year 2019! Be Thankful!

Do I know how to ring in the New Year or what???!!
I had emergency surgery on New Year's Eve.  I'm not sharing details here, no worries, I'm on the mend, but I thought 
this was worth writing. 

The photo below was when my hospital roommate and I were laughing about how we are "crazy party gals."  💃💃

It's hard to actually sleep in a hospital because the wonderful nurses do their jobs and keep checking on their patients.

So... as the last moments of 2018 went past, I was 
recovering from surgery, lying on a hospital bed,
and thinking about all the people and things 
I'm thankful for. 

It's not a bad way to ring in the New Year;
being very, very thankful.  
It was therapeutic for me to count my blessings.

Look at these beautiful flowers my brother sent me!

Here's part of my thankful list.  Some of these might seem silly but I'm not joking:

Angelo, Abba, Dominic, Emily, Lorenzo
Sweet family and friends who love me and pray
Health Care professionals who do their best work
Pain medicine
Warm blankets
Health Care System, Diagnostic Testing
Clean water
Comfortable bed
Itches that I could reach easily
Short moments of quiet so I could rest
Comfy nightgowns
Delicious soup
Beautiful 'Get Well' Cards

Aren't these flowers from my sweet friend gorgeous?

Those reindeer on the left are real fingerprints!!

So, if you're like me and you don't really do New Year's Resolutions, why not make a little (or big) thankful list??
It did my heart good while in the hospital and 
helped me on the road to recovery at home.
It just might be good for you too!

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

  This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experienc...