Wednesday, March 16, 2022


 These days it seems everything is shaking.  

Until now our generation has been shielded from the suffering that our parents and grandparents experienced.

But now we see images of war and feel the effects.

I was inspired by the mountains around Tucson on my recent visit.  Here are some images and quotes that I pray will help us all to face the reality of our times with dignity and courage.

Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens...Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains. - Psalm 36

I look up to the mountains- does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. - Psalm 121

Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, both now and forever.
-Psalm 125

I like the mountains because they make me feel small. They help me sort out what's important in life. 
-Mark Obmascik

You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you've climbed a mountain. - Tom Hiddleston

For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. 
Isaiah 54

A Prayer to Return to the Lord

  This call to Heaven is from one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen.  I love how Henri humbly incorporates all the emotions and experienc...