Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30, 2013 - Home Organization: Small Beginnings

Greetings!  I'm new to the blogging world, been thinking about writing something like this for over a year.  I have friends who think that I am some kind of guru with magical powers of home organization and management at my disposal.  I’ve never thought that way about myself.  As a young married woman I struggled to cope with the piles of “stuff” that always seemed to present themselves to me and demand my attention.  I was in awe of the friends that I had whose homes were clean and efficient, a natural warming effect happened in those homes and I just wanted to emulate them.  I’ve learned many, many tips from friends and family, and would like a forum to share those tips and hints with readers.  I'll also discuss gardening, cleaning, crafting and cooking tips as well.  Please let me know if you'd like to contribute something for the good of all!  Well, let's get started:

When January arrives I'm always amazed that huge quantities of plastic bins magically appear in stores along with exercise equipment.  I wonder what most people do with the "stuff" they buy to help them organize their homes.  For me, it's always been very simple:  less stuff = easy to organize.  So before you head out to buy plastic bins and rent storage units, think about getting rid of what you don't need. 

I always start small, so never attempt to organize too much at once.  Take one drawer or one closet, you know which one, the one that you can't shut because it's got too much stuff in it.  Empty out its contents onto a table or floor, and start sorting.  This is where the hard part is, making decisions.  You (and only you) can decide whether you really need every item.  If you don't need it, give it away, sell it at a yard sale, or donate it to charity.  Once you've whittled away the contents to what you really need, put it back neatly.  I love to use small plastic baskets or cardboard boxes to keep stuff in drawers organized.  It's hard to keep small items in place otherwise.  Take a moment and enjoy the beauty of your neat and tidy space when you're done.  Don't fret over the rest of your home, just be thankful for this one task completed well.

Don't overwhelm yourself with trying too much at once.  I never force myself to clean or organize anything.  I do it when I "feel" like it.  If you successfully sort out one drawer, one closet, or one corner shelf, it takes effort to keep it that way.  It takes some mental adjustment to keep your new area tidy.  Once you've conquered a small area, then you'll get inspired to keep going with another space tomorrow or next weekend when you have time.

Please leave a comment and let me know if this has helped you in any way.  I'd love to hear about your successes in organization!

Happy Tidy New Year!!


  1. This is great! I am always looking to glean wisdom from you, Maria and now I have an easy way to do so!

  2. good for new years resolution is to be more organized..hope u can help

    1. Dot, you thought you couldn't post on google, but it worked!! Just start with one small organizing task, baby steps!! Keep me posted.

  3. I love organizing so this is right up my alley!! Glad to join in.

    1. Hey Patty, I can't wait to hear your ideas!!

  4. I am comforted that even you have to"feel like it" to organize a space. I thought that was just my laziness but I notice that it actually feels rewarding when I approach it with enthusiasm instead of dread.

    1. Our lives are filled with crazy demands at every turn! Don't be discouraged or feel lazy!! Just be like the "Tortoise," slow and steady, one small area at a time. It works, really!


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