Monday, February 17, 2014

Nature's Flu Shot

I'm no doctor, and I'm not suggesting that anyone get or not get flu shots.  So I apologize ahead of time to my friends in the medical field who know way more than I do about how the human body works.  That's my disclaimer!

Let me give you a bit of history on my experience with colds. For most of my life I have gone through cycles where I have spent weeks at a time being miserably sick with bad head colds, chest colds, sore throats, laryngitis, etc.  I'm a teacher, so I have sick students coughing and sneezing on me all the time.  And we teachers cannot take a week off for "just a cold."  Even though for me that has meant dragging myself to school and doing whatever I could to get through the days so I could go home and try to rest.  Unfortunately for me, congestion = inability to sleep because I can't breathe!  Can you sense the vicious cycle?

Well, about a year ago a friend of mine told me about a "Nature's Flu Shot" drink that is promoted online on various sites.  There are different versions if you search, but the main idea is that it has immune-boosting, antiviral, and antibiotic properties that simply help your body fight off disease.  My essential oil-loving friends have discovered that same principal, that there are naturally-occurring substances in foods that can help our bodies.  I suspect that not everyone reacts the same way to these substances, but I like the concept.

I'm pleased to announce that I have been one whole year without a debilitating cold since I started taking my "Nature's Flu Shot" almost every day.  Since February 2013 I did start to get sick 3 or 4 times, but it always was mild and went away in days, not weeks, and I never reached that "miserable" stage that I described before.

Here's the recipe that I use:

6 lemons, juiced
2 T Manuka honey (I order online from Amazon, expensive!)
2 t ginger powder (you can grate fresh ginger too)
1/2 t turmeric
1/4 t cayenne
1 to 2 Cups orange juice (or other juice that you like)

The time-consuming part is juicing the lemons.  My old juicer serves me well and gets the job done fast.  I put all this in a small one-quart plastic bottle.  You may need to label this so that some unsuspecting victim doesn't pour a glass of this thinking it's ordinary OJ!

I drink one very small shot per day.  And if I start feeling sick I have 3 or 4 shots a day until all symptoms go away.

Let me end with a couple properties of these ingredients that I read from Web MD:
lemon juice - vitamin C rich, immune-stimulating
ginger - anti-inflammatory, good for digestion
Manuka honey - antibacterial, antioxidant
turmeric - anti-inflammatory
cayenne pepper - good for digestion

Most versions of "Nature's Flu Shot" call for garlic, but I can't consume it raw.  I use garlic in so many other recipes that I don't need to put it in this.

If you use a version of this drink, please leave a comment and let me know how it works for you.  All I know is, I'm hooked and I wanted to share this with my blog friends in case it can help someone like me.

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