Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Spring Cleaning - Small Steps!

How do you eat an elephant??  One bite at a time!

Do you feel overwhelmed with all the work that you think you need to do??  Just get started with one small part and leave the rest until later.  Just like the image of "eating an elephant," bite off one part and don't fret about the whole!

I have 36 windows in my house and they're all dirty.  Last week I cleaned 6 of them.  I don't know when I will do more, but it won't be this week.  It's too nice outside and I want to get some landscaping done.

Examples of some "Small Steps"

-cleaning a few dirty windowsills
-clearing off the kitchen counter
-putting winter sweaters away
-wiping my porch chair off so that I can sit down outside:)
-weeding one small area of landscape
-wash clothes and hang them on the line

You get the idea - just do one thing, don't worry about the rest.  Bursts of energy will come, but they don't have to be now!

Here's a link for some cool ideas for Spring Cleaning:

Pick a few of these ideas and enjoy Spring!

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