Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Antique Cupboards and Armoires for Storage

I have many antique cupboards and armoires that I use for storage in my house.  If you need storage pieces, consider looking at your local antique shop or thrift store for the right sized piece.  Here are some examples of what we use to store everyday items.

This is the bottom of a "Stepback" cupboard in my foyer.  I keep cards, stationery, maps, batteries, music...
lots of stuff in baskets here.

This is where I keep my Fiesta everyday dishes in the kitchen.  The glass doors are perfect for finding the right dish - and the colors are pretty!

Also in my kitchen, I have a huge armoire...look what amazing storage this provides.  I used to have to store this stuff all over the house.  Now it's all in the kitchen where it belongs.

This is a small cupboard that fits in a nook near my kitchen.  I call this the "landing pad." It houses our phone, cookbooks, candles, note pads, pens and pencils, and my junk-mail bowl. 

Here's a Barrister Bookcase where we keep all our classic novels.  If we read a book we really like and want to keep, this is where it goes.  It fits along a wall between
2 bedroom doors.

In one of our bedrooms I use this antique music cupboard instead of a dresser for guests.  It has 3 shelves inside and fits nicely in the corner and takes advantage of the height.

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