Saturday, September 17, 2016

Favorite Cleaning Hacks - Blue Liquid Dawn

Blue Liquid Dawn, how do I love thee?  Let me count the ways!

Blue Dawn dish liquid is perhaps my all-time favorite cleaning item.  If I had to choose just one product to use as the most versatile cleaner, it is Dawn!

1. Greasy dishes and pans - there's nothing like the grease-cutting power of Dawn.

2. Keeping my new kitchen sink sparkling - I use Dawn on a nylon scrub pad to keep the stainless looking nice.

3. Laundry stain and grease remover - I squirt Dawn on every clothing stain.  If the greasy spot doesn't come out completely the first wash, I do it again and Dawn works great.

4. Best bathroom tub and tile cleaner - I have a squirt bottle (32 oz.) filled with a Dawn and White Vinegar mixture.  Put 1 cup Dawn and fill to the top with white vinegar.  It's a great cleaner after baths and showers.  For deep cleaning, spray the bottom of the tub and just let it sit overnight until the next shower rinses it down the drain.

5. Pest-free pets - My son and daughter-in-law just found a kitten in their backyard.  The people at Pet Smart told them to give the kitten baths with a little Dawn to kill fleas!

6. Deep clean hair - It's a great shampoo addition when you want to get rid of build-up from hair products.  Just add a teaspoon to your regular shampoo.

7. Ice Pack - Partially fill a strong Ziploc baggie with liquid Dawn and little rubbing alcohol, seal it and freeze.  It will stay colder longer than water and will bend unlike hard ice packs.

If you search online there are dozens more ideas for how to use Liquid Dawn.  It truly is a great product!

What's your favorite way to use Dawn?


  1. I started using this in my shower and I love it! It's so easy. Thanks Maria!


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