Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Are Your Plants Ready For Winter?

I don't prune much before winter because our weather tends to be so extremely cold. I want my plants to be as 
strong as possible during those low temperatures.
I leave my roses big and prune the dead branches next spring.

I try to mulch extra around any plants that are vulnerable, like my delphiniums, lavender, and astrantia.  But most of my perennials are really tough.  If they last for a few winters I know they are going to make it for the long haul.

In the garden we pull out all the tomato plants and amend the soil with compost and manure to be ready for next spring.

I keep my succulents outside in the summer to enjoy the sun and heat.  But they enjoy their winter home in my sunny office.  Here they are all tucked into their winter beds!

I take my Rosemary plants inside for the winter.  When he grills a steak, Tony like to infuse butter with rosemary and garlic for a sauce!  It's delicious.
First I take the plants out of their beds and shake off all the dirt.  This is SO important or you could bring unwanted critters into your home!!

Then I use new potting soil to repot them into a container.

They are nestled into their beds, 
ready for a long winter's rest!

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