Friday, December 11, 2020

Digging Up Spreading Plants

 I am a slow learner.  In my gardening journey, I have spent more time than I want to admit digging up vigorous spreaders that I planted.

I don't know why, but I seem to learn lessons the hard way.  For instance, years ago I planted some Lily of the Valley in a neat semi-circle around some bushes in my yard.  Little did I know that they would spread and take over the whole area!  And so began the process of digging up those white tuberous roots and making sure they could do no further damage.

You would think I learned my lesson!  But no, yet again I planted Lamb's Ear in a small space on the side of my house.  To my horror, they spread so fast and began to threaten some beautiful Veronica plants and my Coreopsis.  Once again I started digging up those roots and trying to undo the damage.

A friend gave me some Pulmonaria, and I fell in love with the beautiful pastel flowers of this plant.  When it started its terrorizing spread and began choking my Astilbes, I knew I had to wage war, yet again, with this spreader.  

I'm finally learning to research the spreading nature of any plant I put in my garden.  I have learned to associate the words "vigorous spreader/ground cover" with "attack from the enemy" and I avoid those like the plague.

My most recent adventure in digging up unwelcome guests in my yard was not my fault, maybe.  I may have let a few of these spring flowering Dog Violets linger because of their lovely lavender color.  However, I noticed this summer that they had spread throughout my grass, covered a 6 foot square section of landscape, and almost completely covered the stones around my fire pit.

Thankful for my trusted gloves and weeder, I began digging up hundreds of these predators.  Now I can see my fire pit stones again, and the landscaping isn't in danger of being overtaken.

Hopefully my tale of gardening blunders will keep you from making the same mistakes.  Isn't that the silver lining in our storm clouds?

Let me know if you've done battle with any unwelcome spreaders in your garden!


  1. Thanks for the tip. I will keep this in mind for sure !!

    1. Thanks for reading, Larry! I hope you are well:)


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