Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Danni's Kitchen Renovation - Part 2

Here's the final installment of my friend's kitchen renovation 
adventure, enjoy!
So it's done!  The total reno took about a month and we are delighted!  As I said in part 1, there were so many decisions to make and THAT was the most difficult for us.  So here are some hints to help you.....
#1 This is YOUR kitchen, bathroom, living room, whatever you are renovating (or just decorating), make it reflect YOU!  Bob and I live with antiques, so while we certainly wanted contemporary appliances, we wanted our kitchen to "fit in" with the rest of our furnishings.  Whatever your style, and you DO have one, let it flow. 

#2 Research, research, research.  I looked at thousands of pictures on Houzz.com, HGTV.com, countryliving.com, and many, many more websites.  Most of the sites (especially Houzz.com) let me narrow my choices to what I thought I was really interested in.

#3 I talked to my friends who had just done major renos and asked them, "What do you love about your new kitchen, and what would you change?"  I researched stoves, refrigerators, warming drawers, microwaves, countertops,  you name it! 
#4 Finally, don't sweat the small stuff.....and it IS all small stuff. While I am very pleased with the final product, this is still only a kitchen.  Someone said to me, what will you do when your grandkids run into your new cabinets with their bikes?  Yes, they ride their bikes in my kitchen!  Well, on Easter Sunday they put me to the test and I have to say I passed.  I love, love, love my grandbabies, and I like my new kitchen. 

Everything in perspective.  I am thankful it is done, I really enjoy cooking in it, and I love sharing meals with friends and family! 

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