Sunday, May 4, 2014

Making Me Smile - May 2014

Since it's finally showing signs of warming up here in Indiana, PA, my thoughts are turning toward my garden and my dreams are colored with hues of flowers!

If you ask my neighbors they will confirm that I do a lot of walking around my house and looking at my plants.  It just makes me smile to see things growing!  Here are some of my favorites this month so far...

2 years ago a bought some inexpensive tulip bulbs and planted them under our Japanese Maple out front.  Look what greets me every day!!

Some dear friends gave me this Dogwood tree a couple years ago.  It's one of my favorites - just look at the beautiful pink/coral color on those blooms that should be bursting in a couple of weeks!!

This is a Siberian Weeping Pea tree that I've never seen bloom yet because we bought it last summer.  I'm excited to see the color of the yellow blooms I've been promised.  I'll keep you posted.

What makes you smile??

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The Blooms Are Here

  "The winter has past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the ...