The architect of these delightful "coins de paradis" was eager to share his knowledge with us as we stared in amazement at one beautiful display after another. He graciously allowed me to take photos to remember this encounter!
It started with an innocent question about the civil war soldier's tombstone artfully propped up against the garage!
Then I began to notice the lovely foliage placed around the numerous architectural pieces on this sprawling estate.
This concrete piece is an antique buggy step that serves as a display stand for other pieces.
The owner uses old grinding stones either individually or displayed in graduated stacks around the property.
We marveled at how difficult it must have been to transport and place this stone watering trough near the patio!
Here's another buggy step amongst the landscaping.
Here's the front door surrounded by beautiful antique architectural pieces including a hitching post and and iron gate.
Here's an iron pot on the stoop and a concrete chimney round that was used between the floor levels of old houses to protect the wood from the heat,

another watering trough
another hitching post

more grinding stones
a cement bench at the end of a path

a keystone
more stone pieces under a tree

a dog's gravestone
"Whitey My Boy"
a stack of grinding stones

an URN!!
more gravestones

lovely yard in the morning light

a ringing school bell
a beautiful gate
Well, I hope you enjoyed this tour of hidden treasures as much as we did. Our gracious host shared so much of his knowledge about Ohio's history. We were grateful to have had this experience. I learned a lot about using simple artifacts from the past to enhance my present surroundings!