Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fire Pit Idea

Do you like to build a fire on a cool night?  I do!  Many of my friends have store bought fire pits or chimineas.  I saw this simple brick fire pit done on HGTV and I liked the idea so much that I incorporated one at the end of a landscaping bed.

Here you can see the round pit I formed using fire bricks from a local mason arranged in a circle.  It's just the right size for a round grill top when we want to cook over a wood fire. We purchased the 2 large rectangular cut stones to serve as benches and cut into the side of a hill that was formerly nothing but a nuisance to mow.  Now it's rather pretty to look at!

This ain't a bad fire for a city girl like me, right?

Guess what my favorite treat is on a summer night?

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