Sunday, August 10, 2014

Summer Corn Salad

My husband Tony created this beautiful and fresh salad that we enjoy as an accompaniment to meat and fish. His corn salad is a staple on our summer menu.
Here's how you make it!

1.  Mince 1 carrot, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1/2 cup red cabbage, a handful of parsley, cilantro, and chives.  You could add some jalapeno for heat, or omit the cilantro if you don't like the taste.

2.  Boil 6 ears of corn and cut the kernels off the cobb.

3.  Put all ingredients in a bowl, and add the juice of 1/2 lime, 1/4 cup olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

4.  Adjust seasoning and add more oil or lime juice if needed.

This stays fresh about a week in the fridge.  I put a generous scoop of corn salad on some greens for a quick dinner salad.  You could add chick peas, tomatoes, green beans, or any other vegetable you like.  It pairs nicely with steaks, grilled chicken, or fish.

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